Hello from Sydney!

Hello from Sydney!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Letter July 20, 2015

This week was freezing and wet. Hats, scarves, gloves, coats, boots, tights...you name it, I was wearing it.

But it was a miracle week nonetheless! We have been busy, busy, busy! 

Lessons learned:

Act immediately on any thought or impression, no matter how big or small it is.
We had subtle promptings that led to big miracles.
1. We were asked to visit a sister in the ward, so we planned to visit her on Saturday. However, we felt inspired to visit her on Friday. We went to her former address, then realised that wasn't where she lived, so we had to wait for buses and walk in the freezing cold for a while. We got there and had a nice visit with her, and then her LA granddaughter came. We didn't realise it right away, but we met the granddaughter a few days earlier, while trying to visit an investigator! She was in the house, and we saw her for a brief second. She wants to see what the Gospel can do for her and has agreed to meet with us! She has a beautiful family and we know that the Gospel can bless their family so much! 
Had we not been there at that time (gone through all the maafaan), we wouldn't have met her! 

2. Shortly after our visit with this sister, we were debating whether we should go visit a PM family, go to the bus stop, or use the restroom. We decided to go to the toilet in the shopping center. After walking in, I saw a Samoan guy staring at us, so I went up and talked to him. (Most Polys here have an association with the church). We introduced ourselves and asked if he's ever met missionaries, and he said he was a member! We met his brother too, and they've both been LA for a number of years. However, they agreed to meet with us! 

3. After church, we went out to visit a few potential investigators. We missed our first bus and had to wait. After we finally got on the bus, I thought we were supposed to get off at the shopping centre and transfer, even though we were meant to stay on the bus. So I got off, and my companion didn't tell me it was the wrong stop until after the bus had left. While at the bus stop, both my companion and I were talking to the only 2 people there and they both have a sincere interest and desire to learn. I was able to teach the restoration as well as give him a Book of Mormon. Trevor ( the guy I talked to) was really keen!! 

We just needed to be at the right place at the right time to see all of these miracles the Lord has blessed us with. 

One more example! We were walking to the bus stop, then ran into a LA sister we meet with and she had just gone to the shops to buy snacks, then she decided to give the bag for us so that we can eat them while we study! (her sister just got back last month and said she always needed snacks...) so that was a fun miracle!

Our investigators are progressing in the Lord's time, which is not always what we hope for, but it's His will nonetheless. We've been so blessed to meet so many people who are prepared to receive the Gospel! 

We had a great experience with one of our members on Tuesday! Sister Triffitt invited us over for dinner. As we gathered to the lounge to share our message, I looked up and saw a Children's Hymn book and asked if we could sing a hymn. She was more than excited because she loves music! We sang Sweet Hour of Prayer and it was beautiful. After, she asked if we could just keep singing. We sang hymn after hymn and the spirit was so strong! Music is a powerful tool that Heavenly Father has given us to worship and invite the spirit into our lives. It was amazing. It was so fun too!! I love music, although I can't sing. We started harmonizing into parts and had a spiritual, uplifting jam session. I'm so grateful for music! 

Study the lyrics of hymn #143, Let the Holy Spirit Guide and write down your thoughts and impressions. Then study Chapter 4 of PMG. 
Let me know how it goes :)

Love you heaps! Have a great week!

Sister Lew

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